Sample Sale - US 7
Welcome to the Online Sample Sale
First and foremost, please note that ALL SALES ARE FINAL. There are no returns, nor exchanges, so please make sure you read the product descriptions carefully as we do not entertain special accommodations for errors made on your part.
All shoes are in Grades that dictate price. Please read the descriptions of each product to understand why the shoe costs what it does. Here is a general breakdown of the grading.
Grade 1 - Minimal to no issues/flaws on shoes. In the case of a flaw, it will be very small and hardly noticeable but the fact that it is there makes us not be able to sell it at full price. Any core models that are in the SS at Grade 1 will indicate a minuscule flaw, thus its 43% discount. Most are flawless shoes of old stock, mismade shoes, or actual samples.
Grade 2 - Noticeable Flaw(s). We will indicate in text and photo what they are
Grade 3 - Very noticeable/large flaw(s). We will indicate in text and photo what they are