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J.FitzPatrick Line Boutique

The J.FitzPatrick Line represents our highest level of craftsmanship. Models in this collection are carefully designed under the influence of classic men's footwear, while incorporating modern design elements.

J.FitzPatrick Line models are made with our highest grades of leather, and often utilize museum or marble patina calfskins, as well as suedes and fabrics not used in our other collections. Features of the J.FitzPatrick Line include closed-channel leather soles, beveled waists, pitched heels, and hand-finished detailing.

Always made in Spain from European calfskins and suedes, this traditional Goodyear-welted shoe range offers style, comfort, and enduring quality.

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55 products

Alki - Black CalfAlki - Black Calf
Alki - Black Calf Sale price$625.00
Alki - Black SuedeAlki - Black Suede
Alki - Black Suede Sale price$625.00
Alki - Brown Waxy CommanderAlki - Brown Waxy Commander
Alki - Brown Waxy Commander Sale price$625.00
Alki - Dark Brown Marble PatinaAlki - Dark Brown Marble Patina
Ascot - Black Calf / Pearl SuedeAscot - Black Calf / Pearl Suede
Colville - Black Scotch GrainColville - Black Scotch Grain
David - Black Calf / Black SuedeDavid - Black Calf / Black Suede
Ellensburg - Forest Medley Tweed / Blue Calf PipingEllensburg - Forest Medley Tweed / Blue Calf Piping
Eskapa - Walnut Marble PatinaEskapa - Walnut Marble Patina
Fremont - Black Marble PatinaFremont - Black Marble Patina
Fremont - Copper Marble PatinaFremont - Copper Marble Patina
Genesee - Black Marble PatinaGenesee - Black Marble Patina
Genesee - Copper Marble PatinaGenesee - Copper Marble Patina
Hawthorne - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick FootwearHawthorne - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick Footwear
Hawthorne - Black Calf Sale price$495.00
Hawthorne - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCEHawthorne - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCE
Hawthorne - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Magnolia - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick FootwearMagnolia - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick Footwear
Magnolia - Black Calf Sale price$495.00
Magnolia - Dark Brown Museum Calf - J.FitzPatrick FootwearMagnolia - Dark Brown Museum Calf - J.FitzPatrick Footwear
Magnolia - Dark Brown Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Martel - Navy Museum Calf - CLEARANCEMartel - Navy Museum Calf - CLEARANCE
Martel - Navy Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Meridian - Black CalfMeridian - Black Calf
Meridian - Black Calf Sale price$495.00
Meridian - Black SuedeMeridian - Black Suede
Meridian - Black Suede Sale price$495.00
Meridian - Maple Calf / White Calf - CLEARANCEMeridian - Maple Calf / White Calf - CLEARANCE
Meridian - Maple Calf / White Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Meridian - Midnight Calf / Navy SuedeMeridian - Midnight Calf / Navy Suede
Monroe - Walnut Museum Calf - CLEARANCEMonroe - Walnut Museum Calf - CLEARANCE
Monroe - Walnut Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Montlake - Walnut Marble PatinaMontlake - Walnut Marble Patina
Olympia - Black Calf / Black SoleOlympia - Black Calf / Black Sole
Olympia - Cedar Calf / White SoleOlympia - Cedar Calf / White Sole
Olympia - Cloud Suede / White SoleOlympia - Cloud Suede / White Sole
Olympia - Cumin Suede / Gum SoleOlympia - Cumin Suede / Gum Sole
Olympia - Dark Sapphire Suede / White SoleOlympia - Dark Sapphire Suede / White Sole
Olympia - Kale Suede / Black SoleOlympia - Kale Suede / Black Sole
Olympia - Mocha Suede / Gum SoleOlympia - Mocha Suede / Gum Sole
Olympia - White Calf / White SoleOlympia - White Calf / White Sole
Palacio - Black CalfPalacio - Black Calf
Palacio - Black Calf Sale price$495.00
Phillips - Cream Calf / Cream SuedePhillips - Cream Calf / Cream Suede
Phillips - Maple Calf / Beige SuedePhillips - Maple Calf / Beige Suede
Pike - Black CalfPike - Black Calf
Pike - Black Calf Sale price$495.00
Pike - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCEPike - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCE
Pike - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Pinehurst - Dark Brown Marble Patina / Snuff SuedePinehurst - Dark Brown Marble Patina / Snuff Suede
Pullman - Burgundy CalfPullman - Burgundy Calf
Pullman - Burgundy Calf Sale price$495.00
Snoqualmie - Black Calf CommandoSnoqualmie - Black Calf Commando
Snoqualmie - Brown Waxy CommanderSnoqualmie - Brown Waxy Commander
Snoqualmie - Rugged Brown CommandoSnoqualmie - Rugged Brown Commando
Southcenter - Black CalfSouthcenter - Black Calf
Southcenter - Black Calf Sale price$625.00
Southcenter - Dark Mahogany CalfSouthcenter - Dark Mahogany Calf
Spokane - Quilted Black CalfSpokane - Quilted Black Calf
Stefano Redux - Black Calf / Red CalfStefano Redux - Black Calf / Red Calf
Sunnyside - Gold Museum Calf - J.FitzPatrick FootwearSunnyside - Gold Museum Calf - J.FitzPatrick Footwear
Sunnyside - Gold Museum Calf - CLEARANCE Sale price$247.50 Regular price$495.00
Tony II - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick FootwearTony II - Black Calf - J.FitzPatrick Footwear
Tony II - Black Calf Sale price$495.00